Graban olas fosforescentes en una playa californiana

Un hombre del estado norteamericano de California registró con su cámara un extraño fenómeno natural que acontece cada año en la costa oeste de los EEUU.

Patrick Coyne sabía que la semana pasada se daban las condiciones precisas para que se produjera ‘la marea fosforescente’ en la Playa de Newport y se preparó para grabar el espectáculo, solo visible por la noche.


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•Newport Beach Bioluminescence• Last nights bioluminescence in Newport Beach was incredible! So far it’s the brightest I’ve ever seen. My buddy @markgirardeau called me letting me know that there was a red tide which was originally discovered by @visual_burrito earlier that day. It doesn’t always happen but a red tide could indicate some bioluminescence which is why we went. Keeping our distance of course I ended up getting some pretty incredible video showing how blue and bright it really was. If you’ve never seen bioluminescence before it’s definitely something you have to see with your own eyes! Newport Beach is among some of the beaches in Orange County that are still open, just wanted to mention that. Hope you guys enjoy the videos! ——————————————————————————— Filmed on my Sony a7iii with a Rokinon 35mm Cine DS T1.5 Setting we’re: Shutter speed 1/50 T1.5 ISO 80,000

Una publicación compartida de Patrick Coyne (@patrickc_la) el

Según Coyne, este año ha sido el más brillante de los que ha visto. ‘La marea fosforescente’ se origina por un tipo de alga luminiscente.