Los Duques de Sussex agradecen los 230 regalos que su bebé ha recibido en dos meses

Los Duques de Sussex, Megan Markle y el príncipe Harry han sido padres, y el futuro bebé no trae un pan debajo del brazo, pero sí multitud de regalos y no solo para él o ella; también para algunos menos favorecidos.

La pareja ha recibido alrededor de 236 obsequios en los dos últimos meses, entre los que se cuentan un centenar de peluches, mantas, calcetines y ropa…

Multitud de objetos que en parte tendrán que ser donados tal y como contempla la ley. Precisamente, en la última semana sus Altezas Reales pidieron a sus fans y allegados que, en lugar de enviarles presentes para el nuevo miembro de la Familia Real Británica del que aún no se ha confirmado el sexo, consideraran la posibilidad de hacer donaciones a organizaciones solidarias y benéficas de todo el mundo.

Tras lanzar esta petición, en las últimas horas han agradecido en su cuenta Instagram esos donativos y han hecho balance de lo que han supuesto. Entre otras cosas, 100.000 comidas calientes para niños sudafricanos (The Lunchbox fund); o 300 horas de atención especializada de enfermeras para el cuidado de niños necesitados (Well Child).


Just one week ago, The Duke and Duchess of Sussex asked that you kindly consider supporting various organisations around the world in lieu of sending gifts for the upcoming arrival of their first born. Not only did many of you lend your support, you took action. Their Royal Highnesses wanted you to know the impact of your support – the direct effect your donation, energy, and action made! YOU chose to be part of the collective good, and you have made a real difference. Whether a $5 donation, £1000 contribution, offering to volunteer, or spreading the word – you’ve played your part. And on behalf of The Duke and Duchess (and Baby Sussex), we thank you so much. YOUR IMPACT: @thelunchboxfund will now be able to provide a minimum of 100,000 additional hot nutritionally fortified meals to children in dire need across South Africa @littlevillagehq received donations from all over the world (from UAE to Hong Kong and the US), they’ve increased their monthly donors, had a surge in volunteer applications, and re-energized their hard working team of 200+ staff and volunteers @wellchild can now provide 300+ additional hours of specialist care by a Well Child Nurse for a child with serious health needs, allowing families to stay together at home vs in hospital @Baby2Baby have received over 5,000 products to disperse to children in need, including cribs, books, backpacks, diapers and have received monetary donations from around the globe – from Guadalajara to Italy. You made this happen. Thank you.

Una publicación compartida por The Duke and Duchess of Sussex (@sussexroyal) el